Mar 2023

2023 has been a great year for us so far, with a real highlight being asked to work in partnership with a London marketing agency – You Agency.

One of our first projects with the You team was to produce a short and snappy video to tell the story of a written press release for their client Shared Access. The press release covered the news that Shared Access had been chosen to install the mobile connectivity infrastructure inside the National Gallery offices in London.

Using interview footage of Shared Access’ Sam Jackman sharing the news, plus interviews and quotes from key stakeholders, we created a video that shared the news in an exciting and dynamic way. The video is now being by the Shared Access team across their LinkedIn profiles and has been shown at an important trade show in Spain.

A bank of photography was also required to accompany the written press release and we were tasked with capturing the photos during our day of filming interviews. Here are just a few of the photos that we shot:

Our photography in a double page spread magazine feature (above) and in a case study PDF (below).

Thanks to You Agency, Shared Access and all the stakeholders involved; it was a pleasure working with you all!

You can watch the finished video below: